BIGG BOSS 11 WINNER: It Will Be Shilpa Shinde OR Vikas Gupta (Oops! Where Is Hina Khan?)
The 11th and most controversial season of Bigg Boss will finally culminate tomorrow. We bring you opinions of certain TV actors. Surprisingly, Hina is not on their wish list, and they are all sold on Shilpa and Vikas

Small screen’s biggest and brightest stars too have been
following Bigg Boss 11, just like you and me. Scroll down to know who they feel
deserves to win the controversial reality show this season.
Sehban Azim
Vikas Gupta, for being transparent all through, for not backstabbing, for not
backbiting, for being as real as one could be on national television. He will
win by not manipulating other contestants but be showing them the reality. He
will win because he stood by his team. He is also my friend and has been like
this always, he’s himself on the show, there are no masks.
What you see, is what you get.
Abraam Pandey
In my opinion, Shilpa Shinde is the most well-deserving candidate to win this
title. The other contestants are also strong, but I like Shilpa the best.
Sshrey Pareek
Shilpa Shinde for sure. She deserves to win as she has been playing from her
heart and not her head. I feel she's playing honestly, with a pure soul. She
also has a great following. She’s entertaining as well.
Gurpreet Singh
Definitely Shilpa Shinde. And the out of all the reasons the biggest one is
that she is a very nice human being. I am saying this because I know her
Jasmin Bhasin
Vikas Gupta, I think because he played really well. He entertained when
required, performed well during tasks with his intelligence and never stooped
to dirty tactics.
Ssharad Malhotraa
I feel Shilpa Shinde will win. She has made her presence felt in the show with
her, take it or leave it attitude, and has been honest.
Rohit Purohit
I feel Vikas Gupta should win as he has been the master player and played this
game with dignity and very wisely. Moreover, he displayed all his emotions
which never appeared fake. Plus the Vikas and Shilpa Shinde conflict is very
interesting and that keeps me glued to the show.
Sneha Wagh
Shilpa Shinde will win and should win. She is most righteous and humane. She
behaves her age and plays the game when necessary and with honesty. She
connects with the heart of audiences. The way she has dealt with Hina Khan
rationally is truly amazing. Shilpa is someone you want to meet and talk to as
there is nothing fake about her.
Samiksha Bhatnagar
Vikas Gupta is playing really well. He has cleverly used his brain to reach Top
4. He played almost every task intelligently. I feel he deserves to win Bigg
Boss 11.
P.S: wants
the best candidate to win- be it Shilpa, Vikas or Hina, or even Puneesh. We wish
all four of them the best.
Image Source: Twitter/BigBoss/Instagramsamikshabhatna1/Instagramsehban_azim/Instagram/sshreypareek/Instagram/snehawag